How does a therapist work with someone who has dementia?

Providing physical or occupational therapy to any patient can provide challenges, as each person and each set of circumstances are different.  Providing therapy to patients with dementia offers an even greater set of possible challenges.  People with dementia require specialized care and attention, as their ability to grasp and retain information of any type is changed by the disease process taking place within their brain.

Providing therapy to a person with dementia requires several adaptations in the way services are rendered; offering more instruction to the patient is one of the ways this can be accomplished.  One technique is to break down each step of a larger process to smaller more manageable steps, increasing the likelihood that the information will be retained.  Using repetition to teach new skills is another way to provide more information.  Making use of visual cues will help to provide triggers or reminders that can be used once in the home setting.

These are just a few of the ways that a specifically trained therapist will adapt their treatment style to meet the different needs of people with dementia.  It takes a very compassionate therapist to provide care to these very special people.

Carry-over of these newly learned skills is crucial in making a successful transition back home.  Once a person with dementia has received physical or occupational therapy from a therapist that uses adaptive techniques the home care giver can then be trained to utilize these same methods in helping the affected person.  By setting up triggers or reminders, instructions are less easily forgotten.  Making the caregiver aware of these reminders will increase the likelihood of carry-over occurring in the home setting.

The main goal in providing therapy to people with dementia is safety above all.  Using special techniques and therapists who have a specific understanding of how dementia works, will increase the likelihood that a smooth transition back to home will occur.  Avoiding dangerous situations and perilous conditions can be achieved with cooperation and communication between the therapist, family members and caregivers.

At Allegiance Home Health and Rehab, “We pledge our allegiance to you.” We provide your loved ones with services custom designed to fit their individual needs. Our trained caregivers fully comprehend the condition and personality of the patient, providing them options to choose from various activities that include going on short walks, reading to them, and accompanying them to the store.

If you are interested in hiring an aide for your mother or father, you can call us right away for a consultation. Click here to sign up for our free Newsletter and receive an exclusive report on “Suggestions for Successful Home Care Placement.” We look forward to hearing from you. Have a great day!

If I call Allegiance, what happens first? With Debbie Philipps

Making arrangements to care for a loved one is never easy as fear of the unknown usually presides. That first phone call and first home care visit can be daunting not knowing what to expect. Having an understanding of the home care process can make transitioning to this level of care comforting and a welcomed component of the care plan.

Many times, families are worried when calling a home care agency; they fear the patient will perceive this service as a means to limit their independence when in reality home care services are meant to foster independence and increase a sense of autonomy. The first step in the process is scheduling an assessment for the patient to meet with a nurse from Allegiance Home Health. During the initial assessment, the nurse will reassure your loved one and make them feel at ease about the goal of increasing independence. During this first meeting, the nurse will also ask a series of questions to discover what is most important to your loved one when transitioning back to the home setting.

Communication IS KEY
Through this entire process, open communication with the caregiver is the key to success as a level of trust needs to be developed and a rapport established to make the relationship a partnership in care. This can only occur through face-to-face interaction and lots of talking. The nurse will emphasize the goals of increasing strength and maintaining a safe environment in the home setting while ascertaining the goals of the patient and learning what is important to them. From this open dialog, a plan of care can be established…keeping the patient’s and family’s needs as the priority.

Once the initial assessment is complete, the caregiver will come into the home and work your loved one based on the assessment and agreed upon goals. The caregiver does not come into the home and “take-over”…she will empower independence and facilitate choices for the patient. The caregiver role is to provide a support structure and not to create a culture of dependency. This increased sense of autonomy also helps the family to feel less stress and pressure of being the sole caregiver.

Being a family caregiver can be very difficult and stressful, Allegiance is here to help alleviate that hardship by relieving the family of carrying the full burden of care. Services are only provided as long as they are needed and wanted by the patient and the families. Remembering the goal is independence and autonomy; making choices and learning how to modify familiar tasks keeping safety in mind.

At Allegiance Home Health and Rehab, “We pledge our allegiance to you.” We provide your loved ones with services custom designed to fit their individual needs. Our trained caregivers fully comprehend the condition and personality of the patient, providing them options to choose from various activities that include going on short walks, reading to them, and accompanying them to the store.

If you are interested in hiring an aide for your mother or father, you can call us right away for a consultation. Click here to sign up for our free Newsletter and receive an exclusive report on “Suggestions for Successful Home Care Placement.” We look forward to hearing from you. Have a great day!